Saturday Jul 27, 2024





animal welfare动物福利

britain’s politicians can’t find enough pet-friendly laws


michael jackson had bubbles, a chimpanzee. justin bieber had og mally, a capuchin, until it was seized by german customs officials and put in a zoo. rihanna has been photographed bottle-feeding a baby m on holiday.?

迈克尔·杰克逊早年养过一只名叫泡泡的黑猩猩。贾斯汀·比伯也曾养过一只名叫og mally的卷尾猴,最终被德国海关官员没收并送进了动物园。蕾哈娜曾在假期被人拍到用奶瓶喂一只小猴。

the trio of stars would find few fans in the british government, which on december 12th proposed new restrictions on keeping primates as pets. somewhere between 1,000 and 5,000 marmosets, lemurs, tamarins and other little species are kept in private ownership in britain, the government reckons, often bored to misery.


one of the benefits of cutting loose from the horse-eating continent is that britain can give full rein to its passion for animals. politicians are only too happy to oblige, for pet-friendly policies are cheap and popular.?


in last year’s election, the tories promised to help councils reunite strays with their owners by making it?mandatory?to microchip cats and to tackle puppy-smuggling. (sir roger gale, an mp, says bootleggers should have their cars crushed at dover and be made to walk home.)?


it will end the live export of farm animals, a symbol for eurosceptics of eu inflexibility. labour promised to ban the live-boiling of lobsters in restaurants, and to review the use of whips by racing jockeys.


yet britain’s animal-welfare laws are already among the most comprehensive in the world, according to the animal protection index, a league table. the animal welfare act of 2006, which imposedobligations?on keepers to properly feed, house and stimulate animals, and to protect them from pain, disease and suffering, could be used to tackle m-keeping. the government is increasing the maximum penalty for abuse to five years in prison.?


mps are moved by the?traumatic?loss of pets to motor accidents. james daly, the tory mp for the ultra-marginal seat of bury north, has proposed “gizmo’s law”, named after a constituent’s cat, the victim of a hit-and-run accident, which was?cremated?without its owner’s knowledge.?


the law would oblige councils that retrieve dead animals from the roadside to scan them for microchips, so that they can be reunited with their grieving owners rather than being anonymously?incinerated. a draft bill in 2021 proposed criminalising drivers who failed to stop after striking a cat. (hit-and-runs on dogs, pigs, goats and humans are already illegal.)


one of the most popular proposals, judging by two petitions to parliament which have s
ecured more than 250,000 signatures between them, is a new offence of pet theft, which would recognise that for owners, dognapping feels more like the?abduction?of a child than thepurloining?of a television. stealing a pet is already punishable by up to seven years in prison under the theft act, and judges can already account for the emotional distress when passing sentence.?





mandatory?[?m?nd?t??ri] adj. 强行的;指令的

obligation?[?ɑ?bl??ɡe??n] n. 责任;责任;债款

traumatic?[tr??m?t?k] adj. 令人苦楚的

cremate?[?kri?me?t] vt. 火葬;烧尽

incinerate?[?n?s?n?re?t] v. 焚化;烧成灰

abduction?[?b?d?k?n] n. 劫持;诱导

purloin?[?p??rl??n] v. 偷盗




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